Chris Hardcastle shows how you can rig an IOS-like control center volume widget in Cavalry.
Since Cavalry’s release, the Scene Group is also posting some excellent and relevant tutorials, covering the things that where Cavalry excels. A new tutorial shows how you can rig an animation that shows a volume interaction.
Automating Animation Through Behaviors and Connections.
While it’s easy enough to produce the animation manually, Cavalry makes it equally easy to automate the entire thing. My jaw dropped a few times watching this one.
The tutorial uses the graph on a ‘Number Range to remap the vertical movement of a Null object to control both the horizontal motion and state of an icon in a stepped transition.
The tutorial shows how to set up the volume slider right from creating a rectangle, using the Align behavior to set up the volume slider, to connecting a Null as a controller.
Building the icon in Calvary uses the Duplicator to save some drawing time, and rigging the Null Remapping values with the Number Range automates things when the null moves.
Download Cavalry.
Check out Cavalry and the pricing tiers. You can get Cavalry for around $16/month. You can start your journey into the future of motion design apps for free.
What better way to learn how to create generative art, character animation, and data visualizations than a great getting started series. Visit the Scene Group to learn more about Cavalry.