Zurbrigg Updates Free Shot Mask for Viewport 2

Chris Zurbrigg has posted an update to an older script that you might find useful. Shot mask was a script that let you burn shot info onto your playBlasts easily. The recent update adds a custom Maya node that can leverage Maya’s Viewport 2.

ShotMask VP2 is the successor to the original shot labeling tool that was developed over 4 years ago. The script offers a more interactive approach to creating camera masks through it’s new user interface. The shot labeling tool also internalizes a simple python API that makes it possible to write custom scripts or automate the creation process as part of a larger pipeline.

Shot Mask VP2, as the name implies, is only meant to work with Maya’s ViewPort 2. The tool is written in Python, and comes with full source code provided so that you can extend or modify it as needed. Once again, Shot Mask VP2 is free, and is available for Maya 2015 and up.

Creating shot masks has never been easier in Maya.