How to Create a Liquid Orb With Particles and Advection in Cinema 4D

3DBonfire shows the capabilities of Cinema 4D’s new Unified Particle System and works with advection to create a liquid orb effect.

Cinema 4D’s updated particle system, now seamlessly integrated into the unified simulation environment and GPU-accelerated, empowers users like 3DBonfire (Markus Gonser) to effortlessly create stunning effects such as the liquid orb using particles, pyro, and advection.

“Get ready to create one of the coolest effects in Cinema 4D. We’ll use the pyro advect modifier in the new particle system to advect some particles, adding a dynamic element to our design.”

Also, check out this tutorial from 3DBonfire, which shows how to work with Cinema 4D Pyro to create a quick tornado setup. Visit that tutorial here.