PolyCube’s Johan Billgren demonstrates the use of the Inheritance Effector in Cinema 4D for creating an animation that has cloner cube shapes change from one form to another. Check out Johan Billgren’s post on PolyCube for the tutorial on How To Use Multiple Inheritance Effectors For One Set Of Clones here.

In this tutoiral I explain how to set up a scene where one set of clones uses multiple other set of clones as reference, changing position between the three

In this scene, Johan is using one set of clones that actually uses other multiple sets of clones as a reference and uses multiple inheritance effectors to change the position between the three.

The Inheritance Effector, as expressed by our friend EJ Hassenfratz, “is probably one of the most underrated and underutilized effectors in the effector menu”. The Inheritance Effector will allow you to copy animation from a reference object and apply it to something else, beit Clones, Particles, or Matrix Object.