Pie menus or Marking Menus as they are called in Autodesk Maya are a real game changer in terms of workflow. They are such a quick way to interact with the application, that I wish that they were able to have marking menus everywhere as Photoshop, After Effects… virtually everything could benefit from some sort of Marking Menu. Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) Autodesk owns the patent on pie and marking menus from way way back (1995-97), so the chances of seeing elsewhere are slim.

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a custom Marking menu in Maya, this plays a really important role in boosting your production speed

Here, Shray Khanna provides us with a quick tip showing how you are able to create your own custom marking menus to add to the many different variations that are already available. It is a fairly straight forward process, and can really help speed up various workflows in Maya. Check out the tutorial for Making Custom Marking Menus in Maya here.


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