Tokyo based Artist and Animator James Marijeanne covers his workflow for creating an animated walk and run cycle that might be used in a video game environment.
how to create the run and walk cycles for our new character, the character, the poses, and even the workflow.
James has a look at pre-visualising the scene first, and explains how that can fit into the development process for creating a walk and run cycle for in-game animations. This tutorial walks through how to approach animation with a walk and run cycle for a character, citing some great references.
There are another two tutorials from James that you may want to look at. The first had a look into understanding the video game animation tree for interactive character animation. The first step in creating animation that will be used interactively, is having solid understanding of how the animation tree works. It is important to understand all of the animation components and how they all will relate to each other within the Animation Tree.
The other game animation tutorial offered a look into creating idle poses for characters, creating a persona, behavior and attitude for a character in Maya based on animated idle poses.