If you feel the Maya Render View has some great features, then the V-Ray Frame buffer exceeds that by leaps and bounds. The V-Ray Frame Buffer is a tool that is really comes through as unparalleled compared to other third party renderers.
the ins and outs of the Vray Frame Buffer in Maya
The V-Ray Frame Buffer is much more than a simple viewer for your renders. It is a great tool for diagnosing sample and noise issues with renders, as well as offering a whole host of advanced image adjustment tools.
Here, MaxDepth’s blog runner and VFX Supervisor Timothy Hanson walks through the features and uses of the V-Ray Frame Buffer in Maya, covering all the great features that it has to offer.
This is actually a sample chapter from the upcoming MAXDEPTH release of V-Ray 3.1 for Maya: Advanced Production Workflow and Techniques. This will be the first major training release for Timothy, and it is scheduled to arrive September 2015. Available to stream and for digital download.
V-Ray 3.1 for Maya: Advanced Production Workflow and Techniques will cover topics such as,
- Vray Frame Buffer
- Settings
- Global Options
- Image Sampler
- Render elements
- RT Engine
- Vray Proxy (creation and export)
- Vray Volume Grid (opendVDB)
- Object Property Nodes
- Vray Fur
- Vray Displacement
- Lighting (Dome, Area, Point, IES, Sun, Mesh-light)
- Shaders (Blend, Bump, Car Paint, SSS, Light Material, 2sided, MTL Wrapper)
- Physical Camera
- Light Lister