Even though Solid Angle, creators of the Arnold Rendering engine is now part of the Autodesk family, They are still strongly committed to offering Arnold to other applications such as Cinema 4D. Arnold C4D is much pricier than Octane render for C4D, but it is a production proven renderer that can do some pretty amazing things.
Trevor Kerr runs through the C4DtoA workflow using material from 2 of his short fan films based on Star Wars and Halo.
In fact, Marcos Fajardo, founder of Solid Angle has reaffirmed that commitment many times in his Siggraph presentations. Here, Marcos Fajard introduces Trevor Kerr of Kerr Motion Design. Trevor recently created a Star Wars fan film, called “Call of the Empire” that was completely done in Cinema 4D, using Arnold as the main render engine.
What is interesting about the film, is the absolute massive amounts of data he is pushing with the shots that depict the forests of Endor. Trevor shows how he solved that problem using X-Particles and Arnold C4D to scatter the assets and foliage to create the stunning landscapes.