Plenty of Cinema 4D users shy away from UV mapping. As important as it is in a pipeline, Cinema 4D is such an easy application to use, you can probably get work done without even thinking about UV’s at all. Still, it’s a very important skill to learn. Creating UV’s are the foundation of textures. They are on of the few ways to tell how to map images on objects.
a look into basics of UV mapping, UV interface and few unwrapping examples
UV unwrapping seems complicated, but the core concepts are pretty easy to grasp. Once you understand what is going on, it is easy to figure out what needs to happen. If you are looking for an easy-to-follow introduction to UV mapping, look no further than Mario Brajdich’s UV overview.
This UV unwrapping introduction is the natural extension to Mario’s introduction to modeling in Cinema 4D, which is also free.