Creating Cloth Simulation in Houdini for an Animated Character

Marc Albrecht Shows How To Use Animated Geometry for a Cloth Simulation in Side FX Houdini With This Character Clothes Walkthrough

VFX Artist Marc Albrecht presents a little walkthrough for how he did the cloth simulations for characters in the film “Troll Bridge”. Marc shows how you can use animated geometry (Alembic imported) in Side FX Houdini to create clothing simulations for characters. With Marc’s example, he is creating a cloth simulation for a character that isn’t too close to the camera, so it doesn’t need to be as detailed and accurate as one that would take up more of the screen.

Also covers, Albrecht shows how to pin parts of the cloth simulation to the matching parts of the animated character mesh. This will let you keep the clothing where it belongs on a character.

Once upon a time, Marc walked through creating a crazy autonomous multi-legged character rig that can atomically navigate different types of terrain. You can check that out here.