Mike Ridolfi Shows How Easy it is to Morph Shapes With After Effects 2018 and How Much More Control it Gives You
After Effects 2018 lets users access the point of paths through expressions. This is a huge new feature for motion graphics artists. The latest version also includes a handy new Create Nulls from Paths panel that lets you instantly have more control over your paths. If you are creating a morph between shapes, you are only 1 click away from a rigged setup.
Walking through what the new Create Nulls from Paths panel means when animating a shape morph in After Effects, is MoBox’s Mike Ridolfi. The new panel offers an easy and fast way to get much more control over animating points in a shape or path.
Looking for more? Mike Borup has been covering the new path options in After Effects, with a nice overview that shows off the path points expression and how it can be used. Borup also shows a practical example using the new system to easily reposition keyframed masks.