Understanding Adaptive Sampling With Octane C4D

Raphael Rau Helps to Clarify Adaptive Sampling With Octane Render and How to Make it Work for You.

Octane is quite popular, especially in the Cinema 4D community for a lot of reasons. Chief among those is its cost and ease of use. Still, there are some technical bits that you should get to understand if you are to get the most out of rendering with Octane Render. An important subject that often gets covered yet is often passed over by users is adaptive sampling.

Adaptive Sampling is the ability to “adapt” to elements in the scene at render time. You can think of it as a setting that can disable sampling for elements that reach a certain threshold, essentially applying more attention to areas that need it rather than places that don’t.

Silverwing’s Raphael Rau offers an excellent overview for Adaptive Sampling with Octane in Cinema 4D. Admittedly, Rau says that it might get a bit technical, but I’m sure that even a novice user will find this helpful.