An Introduction to Sculpting Tileable Textures in 3DC

Anton Tenitsky Offers Some Insights Into Sculpting Tileable Textures in 3D-Coat.

One of the features of 3D Coat is the ability to sculpt tileable textures. It’s a great way to create brick patterns for environments or any other repetitive pattern, by carving a section that can tile over and over again. The idea is that you can then use the sculpt to derive tiling textures for your work. How is that done? Check out Anton Tenitsky’s latest tutorial that is an excellent introduction on how to create tileable textures through sculpting.

You may have seen an official 3DC tutorial that already covers how to create tiled textures. Anton thought there were a few unexplored areas in those and then offered up his own. “There is already an official 3D Coat video about it, but I think this feature is underexplored and not pushed to the limits,” Anton says.