Jakub Spacek Shows How to Get Amazing Details When Mixing Colors by Way of Houdini Fluids Flip and Pyro Solvers.
Now is your chance to explore the possibilities behind creating playful and colorful animations using Houdini Fluids — Even if you have never dabbled with Houdini’s Flip or Pyro Solvers. VFX Artist Jakub Spacek has a tutorial that can help anyone create and mix colors within a fluid sim, with amazing visual detail.
“In this tutorial, we will take a look at very interesting way of creating intricate and detailed color mixing effect with fluids,” Spacek says. The setup uses an organized approach to create a flexible system that makes use of Houdini’s Flip and Pyro tools. “At the end of this tutorial, anyone will be able to start creating playful and colorful compositions with endless possibilities,” Spacek says. The results speak for themselves.
MerkVilson once had a look into his approach to mix colors in Houdini using a no-VEX method.