Winbush has some fun with the new PhysicsNow! plugin for After Effects.
There are fewer things as fun as playing around with physical simulations, whether in 2D or 3D. In the world of 2D animation, a newcomer to the simulation party is PhysicsNow!, a super-easy to use physics plugin for Adobe After Effects. Here, Jonathan Winbush and his daughter show how easy the plugin is to work with, as they bring to life a drawing in After Effects.
The plugin from Crunchy Creatives represents a new way of working with sims in Ae. “Working with the plugin is a real joy. It very quickly falls into your normal workflow. I think it feels more like a new feature than a plugin.” says Jakob Wagner, the creator of the tool. “Being a professional motion designer myself, I care a lot about workflows. And Physics Now! is just one more step to make After Effects a bit more procedural. I intend to continue on that path and see how far I can take it.”