Check out Brent Forrest’s animated FX assets for Maya, which are currently 50% off.
Technical Director Brent Forrest was hard at work creating these incredible animated and rigged FX assets for Autodesk Maya. You may have already seen how some of these work in a previous post. The new FX rigs offer a unique balance between 3D and 2D, filling a gap between 3D animation and FX. The technique was spawned for the real-time CG Film production pipeline for “The Peak.” The team came up with a system that used Flash-generated (Adobe Animate) content and brought it into Maya, automatically making the elements 3D. Now we can all have the benefit from that undertaking.
Maya FX Assets and Rigs.
Forrest’s store offers a wide array of stock assets from explosions, smoke, splashes, bubbles, fire, and many more. If you need to enhance your animated scene, some of these are so cool!
Check Out BFX Digital Marketplace.
You can find Brent’s new store at the FlippedNormals Marketplace. It’s also important to note that everything in Brent’s store is 50% off for two weeks. Get into the holiday spirit with a bundle of shapeMeshing assets, water effects, laser beams, or maybe a swarm of bees for that special someone on your list!
About Brent Forrest.
Brent Forrest is currently a Technical Director at Marza Animation Planet Inc. His credits include The Peak, Sonic The Hedgehog, and Like and Follow.