Get a Look at Working With Materials in U-Render for C4D

The U-Render team looks at working with materials in their realtime viewport renderer for C4D.

A new installment in the tutorial series for getting started with U-Render offers some insights into working with materials in U-Render, a realtime viewport renderer for Maxon Cinema 4D.

The tutorial covers working with everyday materials such as emissive, clear coat, subsurface scattering, displacement maps… and a bunch more. “U-RENDER is one of the only true realtime rendering software that permits you to achieve immediate rendering results in full resolution.”

About U-Render.

U-Render GmbH is a leading Austrian developer of graphics software for 3D rendering. U-Render brings the latest advances in realtime rendering to the established rendering pipeline. It’s currently available for Maxon Cinema 4D, but other integrations are on the roadmap.