Templater 3 for After Effects Adds New Data API, QUE

Templater 3 adds a new QUE data source API to manage complex data sets.

Suppose you use After Effects and produce a large volume of videos. In that case, you can leverage importing data sets to automate the process. One of the frontrunners in using and managing data for and in Adobe After Effects is Dataclay’s Templater.

Recently Dataclay pushed out Templater 3, which adds a host of new features, improvements, and bug fixes, and establishes the groundwork for integrating Dataclay’s new API, QUE.

Dataclay QUE.

Larger and more complex data sources can make a spreadsheet a little unwieldy. As the volume and elaborateness of videos grow, better ways to manage data sources would help. QUE is the answer to this kind of growth.

QUE is the new kind of data source for Templater, with an API to leverage the full capabilities of the plugin to produce dynamic videos.

QUE frees you from the scalability constraints of traditional tabular data sources, which become unusable as the complexity of your video production needs grows.

Spot Checking.

Another new feature in Templater 3 is Spot Checking. Think of Spot Checking as an easy way to export still images of individual frames compositions to help double-check that everything is working correctly.

Check out more new features of Templater 3 here.