Comparing Python and Xpresso Range Mapper in Cinema 4D

Expresso Mechanic TV deeply delves into working with the Xpresso Range Mapper node and the comparative Python Range Mapper.

This new tutorial from Expresso Mechanic TV  takes a deep dive into the Range Mapper in Cinema 4D Xpresso and the Python equivalent. Julian makes a comparison between the two and discovers that there are many similarities and also some key differences, along with what appears to be a bug within the Python RangeMap code.

About Julian Field, the Expresso Mechanic.

Julian Field, AKA Expresso Mechanic (3D artist/animator), is an independent creative spirit based in Kent, UK. Field teaches Logic Pro and Cinema 4D (Xpresso) via Skype and offers one-to-one tuition in your home if you are in the UK.