Workflow for Creating and Implementing Python in C4D

Jimmy Coppens continues with his Python Scripting in Cinema 4D. Jimmy has been taking a look at using Python in C4D to automate tasks, rigging and animation in creating character animation. It was while James was creating an animation of a character riding a quadruped, he relied on python to script some of the processes in order to complete that animation.

The purpose is to show the underlying structure of the code as it would be in development, and to show the c4d project that I am coding forJimmy Coppens –

Jimmy looks at his workflow for creating and implementing python in C4D. This represents the second in the series, the first of which Jimmy had a look at how to recognize opportunities where python would be a solution in your Cinema 4D workflow. Part one was more a quick primer for using Cinema 4d.

Jimmy has a more detailed post on the tutorial over on his site, so be sure to check out his post, How to animate a Rider-Part 2 here.


  1. Stinky Pete

    So why would you build this instead of just using a constraint? This seems like, not even overkill. Just a bad way to do it…

  2. Jameshcoppens

    Fundamentally, solely using a constraint tag does work for movements that don’t require a large amount of jostling. That case will not work in the event that the quadruped gallops, jumps, rears up or performs any other movement that requires the biped rider to simulate a dynamic response.

    Agreed that it is a cumbersome solution but the purpose is not for me to develop a production ready enterprise solution, the purpose is to foster a community of character animators that utilize python to facilitate code that can be disseminated, modified, and refined. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me to get a dialogue going. Regardless thank you for the response.

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