Autodesk’s Daryl Obert Offers Some Insights Into Working With HIK, Mocap Data and Using Maya’s Powerful Retarget System
Autodesk’s Daryl Obert has a look into how to get motion capture data onto a character using Maya’s Retarget system. This is part one of a two part tutorial.
The idea behind Maya’s retargeting system is to be able to take the animation from one character, and apply it to another. It works even (for the most part) if the characters are not the same size or proportions.
The Retargeting system is based on the HumanIK (HIK) solver. Retarget even can be a non-destructive workflow. Retargeting with the integrated HIK lets you work nondestructively to transpose character animation.
There are always some issues when transplanting animation from two very different rigs. Daryl offers some great tips and work-around’s for some of the most common issues when using the tool, with the help of HIK.