Code Quest Efforts Will Soon Push a New and Fully-Integrated Grease Pencil in Blender 2.8.
Grease Pencil in blender started out as a simple animator’s tool to markup but quickly became something jaw-droppingly more. The recently wrapped up Blender Code Quest led to some fundamental changes to completely integrate Grease Pencil into the Blender 2.8 design. This was after much back and forth and feedback from users. It looks like the long overdue Grease Pencil merge is now closer than ever according to the Blender’s Developer Blog.
New is that moving of Pallets. They have rolled over into materials. Now the colors work the same way as any other material in Blender, with additional settings exclusive to Grease Pencil.
Another thing to look forward to is the brushes in GP. Brushes are now using Blender’s internal brush engine allowing you to reuse the Brush structure already available in Blender. This change will also make it possible to link brushes between files and to create brush libraries.
Also new are new effects modifiers. They will give real-time effects in the viewport for grease-pencil objects, such as Blur, Pixelate, Lighting, etc.
Check out the post on Blender’s Developer Blog for more details on what will be in store for the latest release.