Advanced Interior Lighting With Vray and Maya

Carlos Alvarez Velazquez Covers Interior Lighting, Material Overrides, Denoising, Tonemapping and more With Vray Maya.

Lighting interior scenes is a gentle balance between science and art. Ok. that might be a bit hyperbolic, but it is a balance between understanding the technical side (what the rendering engine is doing) along with the artistic side (understanding how light affects your scene). Any architectural render is a balance of those elements. Maya Youtuber Carlos Alvarez Velazquez shows how you can get amazing looking renders for your interior scene, and covers some advanced interior lighting concepts using Maya and the latest version of Vray.

The tutorial uses override materials as a base for the lighting design. There are two methods to do this, one from the IPR using a debug lighting setting or using Maya’s render setup to override materials on select objects.

Also covered are Vray physical camera settings, including ISO and exposure values, sky, sun, and light portals, along with explanations of how those all work. Carlos covers getting rid of noise int he scenes using Vray’s DeNoise tools, and how to create Tone Mapping from VFB and from Photoshop to transform the final render that is linear to a realistic render.