Songz Meng’s latest script lets you mass import scripts into kBar in one go.
There is no doubt that tools like kBar for After Effects are not only useful but also a necessity. kBar is a tool panel for After Effects that lets you place and customize tools and launch scripts all from one handy place. If you have a ton of scripts that you would like to add as buttons, instead of doing them one by one, now you have another option. kBartender from Songz Meng is a little utility that lets you import multiple.
The kBartender utility will generate a JSON file from any selected folder. That means that you can mass-import lots of scripts all t once. The utility works on both MacOS and Windows supports .jsx and .jsbin, and thumbnails as png or svg. If you fond this tool useful, you can get the script for under a dollar. Check out the kBartender page to learn more.