How to Rig a Coiled Cable System With Xpresso in C4D

Julian Field shows how you can rig a rise and fall lamp that has a bit of a spring system in it.

A new Cinema 4D Xpresso tutorial from Julian Field (the Xpresso Mechanic) shows how you can make a “rise and fall” lamp (this one has a coiled cable system) like the ones you could use in architectural renders.

The tutorial covers using Xpresso along with User Data and a Spline Wrap Deformer in C4D to create a coiled power cable in this case.

About Julian Field.

Julian Field, AKA Expresso Mechanic (3D artist/animator), and The Unknown (singer/songwriter/producer), is an independent creative spirit based in Kent, UK. Teaches Logic Pro and Cinema 4D (Xpresso) via Skype offers one-to-one tuition in your own home if you are in the UK’s Kent area.