InLifeThrill Design’s Dobromir Dyankov has been pumping out some fantastic reprocess for Cinema 4D and Octane Render. His latest has a look at using displacement mapping in Octane Render using the Displacement Shader. Check out the post for Displacement Mapping With Octane Render For Cinema 4D.

Other installments in this series include a comprehensive look at the materials and shader systems within OTOY’s Octane Render for Cinema 4D, which is related to displacement mapping. There is also a look at some of the various lighting systems that Octane offers within Cinema 4D.

Also check out working with the Mograph Shaders in C4D along with Octane rendering.

There is also a good overview for how to optimize your Octane Renders in C4D by understanding some of the settings, which will come in handy when displacement mapping is used.

You can find more resources for rendering with Octane Render in C4D with InLifeThrill’s  Understanding Octane Renderer for Cinema 4D course. The course priced at $60.00 with 2 hours 40 min of training. – Check the page to find out more about Understanding Octane Renderer for Cinema 4D.