What are C4D Fields and How Do They Work?

All Falloffs in Cinema 4D R20 is replaced by Fields, and Jonas Pilz Shows What They Are and How They Work.

Cinema 4D R20 is out in the wild, and one of the most hotly anticipated features is the new Fields system. In fact, the new feature completely replaces Falloffs, one of the most powerful features of C4D and the Mograph toolset. But what are they exactly and how do they work?

More Powerful Than Just Falloffs

Maxon’s Jonas Pilz takes on that subject with his latest quick tip that works as a general introduction to the Field system in C4D. The new feature allows you to layer effects and even link them to the other effects. It’s a whole new way of working, and it expands the falloffs abilities considerably.

Field-Animation in Action

For example, Gene Magtoto is experimenting with using Fields to trigger the animation in a controlled assembly.

Learn More About How to Use Them Effectively

Want to learn more about how to work with the new R20-Field system? HelloLuxx has a short course that can teach you C4D R20 Fields in one day.