Michael Tierney shows a super-fast way to create a chain in Cinema 4D.
Cinema 4D can make short work of some complicated things. One of them in creating a chain. While it initially seems like creating and animating a chain might be a bit involved, it isn’t. Motion Designer Michael Tierney shows us a super fast way to create a chain that starts by building one link and then using the mograph module for the replications.
Once all the links are together, Tierney creates a spline and uses the spline wrap deformer to rig the links so you can move and animate it in the scene. If you are thinking of taking the system to the next level, you should check out Lonnie Busch’s tutorials. Lonnie is an Illustrator, artist, and designer from Franklin, North Carolina who shows how to create fantastic mechanical contraptions using Xpresso, dynamics and more.