Boiling Water With Volumes in C4D


Uwe Schweer-Lambers walks through his setup for creating a boiling water effect with cinema 4D volumes.

C4D R20 has a few features that completely change how people think about working in the app. One such feature, the Volume Builder offers a way to create complex shapes by sculpting with volume entities. Volumes also pose an interesting deviation from the regular workflow as Equiloud shows with his latest example – Creating a building water effect.

Uwe Schweer-Lambers takes us through his setup in C4D showing how he came up with the boiling water effect. Why? It turns out it’s pretty good, but he is not entirely satisfied with it and wants to spark an exchange of ideas. “I’m happy when you share your ideas on how to achieve a better result. If you are already experienced users of Cinema 4D, you may come up with something. Otherwise, I hope you have learned something,” Lambers says. Let him know what you think!

1 comment

  1. Arin Faraj

    love ya man that was helpful

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