5 Ways That Blender Excels Over Cinema 4D

Mograph Plus looks at some of the ways that Blender has an advantage over C4D.

Feature envy. I’m sure we’ve all looked at software tools and wished that we had that in the one we use. Mograph Plus turns on a comparative eye to demonstrate five ways that Blender has the advantage over Cinema 4D. Blender 2.8 has a lot of the industry buzz lately with the latest release adopting a more 3D artist-friendly interface and navigation while adding a fantastic amount of high-end features too.

Mograph Plus covers some of the ways that he sees Blender Excelling over Maxon Cinema 4D. You can’t talk about Blender without making mention of Grease Pencil. What started as a way to annotate a scene ended up as a fantastic 2D animation toolset. Also listed as a desirable feature is Blender’s embedded node-based compositor and video editor. Next in the list is Blender’s native fluid smoke water and fire simulation capabilities. While all are possible in C4D, you will need to have third-party tools to get close. Also mentioned is Blender’s new realtime viewport renderer Eevee, and the fact that Blender is free and open-source to round out the five reasons.