Kasper Larsson shows how simple joint placement can make a massive difference in deformations.
Make a character, throw down some joints, weight, add rigging controls, and do it all over again. It’s the joints and weighting that end up being a lot more crucial than you might think. Kasper Larsson shows exactly how placing joints in a correct position can make a massive difference in baseline deformations – even before weighting.
“So many get bad results from good rigs, remember to get your foundations in place before you do anything else! “Larsson says. “Here, I introduce the rule of thirds on Joint placement. Useful for all software.” Kasper shows three different hands with a simple finger joint set up to show off how dramatic joint placement differences are. It’s incredible how much more natural one of the fingers looks simply by adding the bones in a correct position for the task.
Kasper Larsson works as a Producer at Sun Creature Copenhagen. He also has a new Management, Production & Producer course that can teach you the day to day tasks of the animation producer. Learn these critical skills that can work for anyone in the animation industry, from freelancers to people working within the pipeline of an organization. As Artists, a lot of us don’t feel comfortable with budgeting, talks of money, scheduling, and other micromanaged tasks. That is where Kasper’s Production course can help.
Check out the Management, Production & Producer course here, and get 25% off with this link and by using the code lesterbanks.