Aleksey Voznesenski covers a fast overview of how to create retopology in 3D Coat.
3D Coat is a jack of all trades kind of software. It handles sculpting, painting, UVs and retopology, among other things. It’s a great software to have around as you can do some things more quickly in 3D Coat than anywhere else. A new tutorial from Ace5 Studio’s Aleksey Voznesenski covers how retopology works in 3D Coat.
What is Retopology?
Retopology is the process of making your very high poly sculpts into animation friendly low poly models. The process is an essential part of all types of 3D workflows.
How to Retopologize in 3D Coat.
3D Coat’s method for retopo is similar to other applications. If you’ve seen TopoGun or Maya’s Quad Draw, some will be very much the same. 3D Coat does some things that others can’t, making it easier to retopo models quickly.
About Aleksey Voznesenski.
Aleksey says that he has an obsession with making things look pretty and work correctly. Born in Russia, raised in Australia, living around Eastern Europe, Aleksey is a ten year veteran in Cinema 4D. Check out Aleksey Voznesenski at Ace5 Studios.