A Primer for Painting With Quixel Suite 2, DDO & 3DO

Recently, the Quixel team have released Quixel Suite 2, a Photoshop-centric texturing set of tools that is made up of NDO, DDO and 3DO.

Learn all about painting in this extensive tutorial for DDO Painter and 3DO

Here, the team posts an in-depth look at painting with the new Suite, specifically walking through the Painter tool and 3DO, the  real-time viewing environment that connects seamlessly to Photoshop, letting you view your project in 3D without leaving your workspaces.

With the special release offer, you can get Quixel Suite 2 for now for just $99. Remember that Quixel is only under the Windows platform. Visit Quixel.se to learn more, or purchase Quixel Suite 2.0.