creativMotion extends a look at who you can create a cel shaded look for a flat 2D style smoke effect in After Effects. Here, the workflow consists of creating the smoke effect elements in Adobe Illustrator. The elements are then used and animated in After Effects to create the smoke effect animation.

Learn how to create a flat style smoke effect

Once the basic animatic is completed, you can find out how to easily create the Cel shaded cartoonish, flat 2D style look by overlaying pre comps together in After Effects.


More Resources for Creating the Flat 2D Style

A while back, Shawn Sheehan demonstrated more of a simulated technique using Trapcode Particular to generate the 2D flat style smoke effect.

Over the last little while creativMotion has exclusively shown how to create the hand drawn animation look, and the 2D Style, cartoon Cel shaded look with a few tutorials both in After Effects and Photoshop.

You may remember Creating Frame By Frame Animation With After Effects and Photoshop in which the 2D style was applied to animating type.

More recently, creativMotion has a look at using Photoshop’s video layers to create a hand drawn and cel animated water splash.

Animating Typography in Photoshop and After Effects.

Create Motion Streaks With a Hand Drawn Look Dynamically in After Effects.

Using Photoshop for Creating Frame by Frame Animations.

Tips for Creating Pixel Art Animation in Photoshop

Exploring Path Animation in After Effects for Creating Animated Blobs.

Hand Creating a Hand Drawn Animated Look Using Cinema 4D Renders as Reference.