Need help creating animation for video games? Tokyo based Artist and Animator James Marijeanne adds the last installment to his Animating For Video Games series. The last tutorial is a look into the role of both light and heavy attacks in a game.
the role of light and heavy attacks in a game, and creating a 2 hit combo and a heavy drop kick
Teams shows how to create both the light and heavy attacks for the character, building a two-hit combination and a heavy drop kick that has a lot of force and movement to it.
If you have followed the series up until this point, you have seen a full moment set created for a character. This includes running, walking, jumping and now light and heavy attacks for the character.
Animating for Video Games
The rest of the Animating for Video Games series consists of:
Understanding the Video Game Animation Tree for Interactive Character Animation
Animating Characters for Video Games: Create a persona, behavior and attitude for a character in Maya, based from animated idle poses.
Animating a Walk and Run Cycle for Video Games
Creating Animation Transitions for Video Games
Animating For Video Games, Creating a Jump Animation