A Quick Introduction to 3D Coat Cloth Simulation

Anton Tenitsky shows how cloth simulation in 3DC can help to sculpt cloth elements.

Artists have some great choices when it comes to cloth tools. Likely the best is Marvelous Designer, a standalone application that lets you build clothes and create cloth simulations in 3D. There are some others out there too, and while not as elegant, they do get the job done if you know how. For example, did you know that 3D Coat has cloth simulation tools? Check out this latest tutorial from Anton Tenitsky who shows how you can use cloth sim in 3DC to help sculpt soft forms.

Tenitsky walks through a quick introduction of how it all works within 3DC. “It’s not the best software to do the simulations, and it can’t compare to Marvelous Designer, but it does have an unusual approach,” Tenitsky admits. Once you understand how you can make use of the cloth tools in 3D Coat, you can create pillows, like in Tenitsky’s example and get a head start on much more.

Anton Tenitsky is a mentor at the CG Spectrum College of Digital Art & Animation.